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Bachelor of Science Honours in Nursing
(External Degree)

Eastern University, Sri Lanka

Centre for External Degrees and Extension Courses (CEDEC)

CEDEC announces the commencement of
"Bachelor of Science Honours in Nursing 2022/2023"
conducted by
Faculty of Health-Care Sciences
Eastern University, Sri Lanka.

Entry Requirements

An applicant shall be considered for admission to the programme if he /she is:

  • a nurse who possess a qualification of General Nursing Diploma,
  • And

  • having registered as a Nurse at Sri Lanka Nursing Council or Sri Lanka Medical Council,
  • And

  • having at least 2 years’ experience in Nursing Service
  • And

  • having one of the following:
    1. Three passes in G.C.E(A/L) bioscience subjects of any syllabus. These three passes should be among the subjects of botany, zoology, physics or chemistry from old syllabuses or they should be biology, physics and chemistry from new syllabuses.
    2. Or

    3. The Post Basic Nursing Diploma of 18 months course duration obtained from Eastern University, Sri Lanka or the Post Basic College of Nursing
    4. Or

    5. The qualifications acceptable to the senate of the Eastern University, Sri Lanka

Selection Procedures

  • Competent applicants will be selected based on the marks obtained in a qualifying examination on general nursing conducted by the Centre for External Degree and Extension Courses (CEDEC), Eastern University, Sri Lanka.

  • After the qualifying examination, an interview will be conducted among students based on the merit order of the marks obtained.

Course Duration

02 Academic years

Medium of instruction


Application Fee

Rs. 1,000.00

Course Fee

Rs. 265,000.00

Could be paid in 2 installments
1st Year — Rs. 165,000.00
2nd Year — Rs. 100,000.00

Application Procedure

A candidate should apply online here along with the scanned copies of relevant documents and University Copy of Paying-in-Voucher, amounted of Rs.1000.00 payable to Bursar, EUSL, Account No. 227-1-001-9-0000-390 in People’s Bank, Chenkalady.

The candidate should also send printed application form (sent to your email from CEDEC online system after submitting online application form) along with the copies of relevant documents and the University copy of Paying-in-Voucher, by registered post accompanying with self-address, Rs. 110/- stamp 9.5" X 4.5" size envelope. Mention as
‘Bachelor of Science Honours in Nursing 2022/2023’ on the upper left corner of the envelope.

Address to be post:
Assistant Registrar,
Centre for External Degrees and Extension Courses,
Eastern University, Sri Lanka,
No. 50, New Road,

Closing Date

On or before 11th January 2023

For further information

Assistant Registrar, CEDEC


: 0652227286





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